Shana Han
Founder & Managing Director, Hansderma, Inc.
Founder & Creator of HanSkincare Brand
Founder of Chan Meditation in the Park.
We are dedicated and committed to offer skin care products and medical devices based on true science.​
Shana Han established Hansderma in 2009 based on her experience and expertise in the field of biology, pharmaceuticals and medical aesthetics. She also has a wide range of cultural experience by living and traveling in various countries.
She studied microbial engineering and business from Konkuk university, Seoul, South Korea and achieved several certificates in international business and contract management. She continued to study at UCLA in the field of biology.
Currently, she serves as the president and executive officer of Hansderma, Inc. Shana Han and her team are always looking for innovative science and ideas to introduce in the market place.
She practices and studies Buddhism under Chan Master YongHua since 2012. In 2015, she established Chan Meditation in the Park and started offering meditation classes and workshops worldwide.